(JUNE 5, 2018) By Peter Jesserer Smith FORT WORTH, Texas – Five years after its founding, the Troops of St. George achieved a major milestone in its development by becoming a diocesan-approved apostolate for Catholic fathers and sons. Bishop Micha...
Continue Reading(June 5, 2018) — For most adult Catholics over the age of 50, the traditional Eucharistic procession on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi was part of the rhythm of the Church’s liturgical year in their childhood. As an altar boy during the early 198...
Continue ReadingTroop 31 of Flower Mound, Texas were blessed as the Color Guard for the Ordination Mass at Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church as requested by pastor Father Assaad El-Basha. The Cadets marched in with the flags, as well as saluted Bishop Zaida...
Continue Reading(May 29, 2018) — President Donald Trump honored veterans by laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider at Arlington National Cemetery yesterday morning. Patriots across the country—including members of Troops of St. George—took time on Memor...
Continue ReadingBishop Michael F. Olson’s endorsement of the apostolate is an answered prayer The timing is certainly right for an apostolate dedicated to bringing together Catholic fathers and sons, says Brian Squibbs, National Director of Communications and Recruitme...
Continue ReadingKELLER, Texas (May 17, 2018) — Thousands of young men and their fathers across the country found their prayers answered yesterday when Most Rev. Michael F. Olson, bishop of the Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas, officially endorsed the Troops of St. George ...
Continue ReadingWith a pilgrimage to Saint George Maronite Church in San Antonio, Texas! The men and boys of Troop 1531 of New Braunfels were given a historical tour of both the church and Maronite Rite. Father Khachan also shared some history on the church’s pat...
Continue Reading“Boys and young men do well to join together for fellowship, to acquire a variety of skills useful in nature and urban life alike, as well as form an identity as they serve the Church, taking new roles of service appropriate to their age and abiliti...
Continue ReadingBy Tim O’Flaherty Photos by Tim O’Flaherty Troops of Saint George Troops 1, 31 and 33 came out to Porters Army and Navy on Saturday, Veteran’s Day this past November. Cadets helped get old US flags ready for retirement, manned a pa...
Continue ReadingBy Irene O’Flaherty Pictures by Capt. Eric Gruchet This past June, TSG Troop members and some siblings from Troop 1 and Troop 31 journeyed to the Benedictine Monastery of Thien Tam in Kerens, Texas down near Corsicana, Texas. The Monastery was ho...
Continue ReadingTroop 40 of Reading, Pennsylvania held their inaugural campout. It was a success and a learning experience. We embarked on a single night trip just to “test the waters”. Everyone had a good time and the rosary around the campfire was t...
Continue ReadingBy Liam O’Flaherty This Summer, TSG Troop 31 went on a sailing adventure out on Grapevine Lake. The first shift of cadets arrived at the docks by 9am and waited for the arrival of Capt. Glenn. Some tossed around a football while others jum...
Continue ReadingBy Alex Squibbs With my dad always sharing his point of view on the Troops of Saint George as the National Director of Recruitment (one of those times below with me and my brothers alongside), he asked I take a look back over the last year and share my t...
Continue ReadingNo matter your background, are you looking for a way to lead your family to Virtue in Christ? The Troops of Saint George is another tool to add to your tool belt in this lifelong journey! The Troops of Saint George apostolate, working in the tradition of...
Continue ReadingAfter 9 a.m. Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Keller, Texas, we were blessed with a collection of American songs and hymns to celebrate Independence Day. As we completed the Marine Corp Hymn (and I fought back the urge to yell HOORAH), I was r...
Continue ReadingBy Sean O’Flaherty Early in the morning on May 30th a small group of cadets from TSG Troop 31, consisting of five senior cadets, one junior cadet, and two leaders, traveled to Gainesville, Texas for a special experience. The cadets and their leade...
Continue ReadingMark your calendars for Thursday, July 20th through Sunday, July 23rd and the 1st Annual TSG Midwest Regional Campout and Retreat! While technically the 4th of its kind, this is the first year for a wider collaboration of Midwest troops and Round Hill-C...
Continue ReadingBy Ivie Woodharbor It was a cool afternoon on January 14, in the year of Our Lord 2017. Thousands of individuals had gathered to march for the protection of the unborn children in Dallas, Texas. Several members from Troops of Saint George Troop 31, Tr...
Continue ReadingInterested in bringing the Troops of Saint George to your area? Please join us for an informational webinar to learn more about the Troops of Saint George, an apostolate for Catholic priests, deacons, fathers, and sons where we enjoy the cultivation of t...
Continue ReadingVeteran’s Day 2016 Irving, Texas – Porter’s Army and Navy in Irving, Texas since 1946, hosted their yearly Veteran’s Day benefit on Saturday, November 12th. Steve Porter and his wife Cindy helped the veterans out by giving the public a cha...
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