(November 25, 2024) By Cadet Liam Gollier & Cadet Andrew Croom On November 16th and 17th, 2024, Troops of Saint George Troop 319 had an amazing time aboard the U.S.S. Hornet, an inactive, World War II era aircraft carrier, docked in Alameda, Cal...
Continue Reading(November 17th, 2024) By Morgan Crace In October of this year Saint George Troop 311 has focused their lessons and activities to focus on patriotism theme. To get started, the Troop was assigned to construct a bin for US Flags to be retired. For this each...
Continue Reading(July 2nd, 2024) By Wes Phillips Troop 1646 recently chartered in the Pacific Northwest the fall of 2023. It is based out of the North American Martyrs FSSP Parish and the number 1646 is in honor of St. Isaac Jogues who was martyred in the year 1646. The ...
Continue Reading(March 16th, 2024) By Eric Reimer Troop 19 is a new troop that formed in early 2023 to serve the Spokane Diocese in Eastern Washington State. After a few planning meetings, the troop started off in May with a hike to the top of the Rocks of Sharon in the ...
Continue Reading(November 3rd, 2023) By Captain Tom Los Troop 31 of Saint George (Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church) spent the weekend as a family outing at Our Lady of the Harvest homestead in East Texas this last weekend (October 27-29th). The weather was ...
Continue Reading(October 4th, 2023) By Mike Doyle of Troop 41 Blessed with perfect weather, five troops from Pennsylvania converged on Ridley Creek State Park in Media, PA, for a regional campout during the weekend of August 18-20, 2023. More than a hundred dads an...
Continue Reading(October 22nd, 2021) by Captain Tim O’Flaherty October found some members of The Troops of Saint George on the pilgrimage road up in Oklahoma, USA. The third annual Three Hearts Pilgrimage, which is 35 miles long, takes place up near Muskogee, Okl...
Continue Reading(November 30, 2021) By Christine Bordelon NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana – Fathers and sons are learning to bond in their Catholic faith and virtues while enjoying the great outdoors in a new fraternal nonprofit called the Troops of Saint George 2540. The first...
Continue ReadingOn a chilly Friday morning, a couple of brothers in Christ were able to sit down, enjoy some great DeVivo Brothers Eatery coffee and share their story of brotherhood with Sissel Anderson and Dave Palmer on the Guadalupe Radio Network. I won’t spoi...
Continue ReadingTroop 31 News: two brothers, Sean and Liam O’Flaherty, are one month away from reaching the Tribune rank in the Troops of Saint George. As two of the founding members of Troop 31 Sean and Liam have been working through the ranks si...
Continue Reading[South Euclid, OH] Troop 1684, based at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish on Cleveland’s eastside in South Euclid, had their first member advance from Junior Cadet status to Senior Cadet this past Saturday, April 25th. “We are encouraging the f...
Continue Reading(March 7, 2020) By Brian Squibbs KELLER, Texas – The Troops of Saint George is delighted to announce the addition of The Most Reverend David Dennis Kagan, Bishop of Bismarck to our National Board of Directors. Dr. Jeremy Lusting, Cheif Executive Dir...
Continue ReadingWatch the recap of our 2019 Midwest Assembly at Round Hill – Camp Angelus where we were blessed with His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke joining us.
Continue ReadingVotive Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Round Hill / Camp Angelus W6946 Round Hill Road Arkansaw, WI 54721 3 August 2019 Eccli 24, 23-31 Jn 19, 25-27 Troops of Saint George ...
Continue Reading(AUGUST 11, 2019) By Brian Squibbs KELLER, Texas – The Troops of Saint George 3rd Annual Midwest Assembly has come and gone and memories were made for a lifetime. The weekend brought together 200 members representing 14 troops from the states of Iow...
Continue Reading(JUNE 15, 2019) By Brian Squibbs KELLER, Texas – The Troops of Saint George (TSG) add another weapon in the battle for the family and human life through a new Senior Cadet Achievement Course. “After my wife and I discussed what we had just wit...
Continue Reading(JUNE 7, 2019) By Benjamin Becker The parish bumper stickers say it’s “Fort Wayne’s Best Kept Secret,” and for many people it just might be. In Fort Wayne’s only traditional Latin Mass parish, Sacred Heart, a lot is going on and even more seems ...
Continue ReadingFr. Mitch Pacwa, who appears regularly on EWTN, was the speaker at a recent North Texas Troops of Saint George meeting held at the parish hall of Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church in Lewisville, Texas with pastor Fr. Assaad El-Basha, and home t...
Continue ReadingBy Liam and Pierce O’Flaherty On November 30th through December 2nd, TSG Troops 1, 5, 31, 33, 77 and 1170 gathered together for a North Texas Camp-out in Van Alstyne, Texas, headquarters for Troop 1. We had lots of fun and during the night there...
Continue ReadingMarch For Life – Dallas, Texas 2019 On a cold and windy day in downtown Dallas, Texas, thousands of prayerful protesters gathered. The annual March For Life was held on Saturday, January 19th in support of all the unborn babies being aborte...
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