(March 7, 2020)
By Brian Squibbs
KELLER, Texas – The Troops of Saint George is delighted to announce the addition of The Most Reverend David Dennis Kagan, Bishop of Bismarck to our National Board of Directors.
Dr. Jeremy Lusting, Cheif Executive Director and Chairman of the Board, shares “to fulfill our mission of enhancing the father and son relationship in His Holy Church, it became paramount that the National Board of Directors continue to develop, particularly with Magisterial guidance, as we continue to expand our apostolate across our great country. Our team spent months in prayer, discerning over the next advisor to this great mission. This was a decision that was not taken lightly and required the most perfect candidate that could not only uphold our values but enhance them as well.”
“After several correspondences and a personal visit with Bishop Kagan to learn about the Troops of Saint George, our history and our mission, it became clear to our entire team that he was divinely placed in our midst”, states Dr. Lustig. Following the extension of a request to join us, His Excellency responded with, “upon prayerful consideration, I do accept your offer to join the Troops of Saint George, National Board of Directors. I am honored that you have considered me and I shall do my best to fulfill my responsibilities for the salvation of souls and the building up of our beloved Holy Catholic Church”. Praise God!
Bishop Kagan became the seventh Bishop of Bismarck following his appointment by Pope Benedict XVI on November 30, 2011. His administrative positions within the Diocese of Bismarck included service to the Tribunal as judge, vice-officialis and as officialis; service as chancellor ad interim, promoter of the Third Legislative Synod of the diocese; associate publisher of The Observer; misconduct officer for the diocese; and service as diocesan consultor, moderator of the curia, and vicar general.

In the seventh year of operation, the Troops of Saint George cross the United States borders with the addition of its first Canadian troop. Under the leadership of Captain Tim Bonner and connected to Holy Family Parish of Vancouver, Troop 2008 officially chartered as our first international troop. “The Holy Spirit continues to work through the apostolate to build up virtuous men in the image and likeness of the model for masculinity, Jesus Christ”, states Brian Squibbs, National Director of Communications and Recruitment.
Please continue to pray for our mission, and give thanks for this monumental addition to our team and international growth of the apostolate.