This past May saw two junior cadets, three senior cadets, and two dads earn the Saint George Dragon Slayer rank for the Troops of Saint George Troop 31. The Dragon Slayer rank is earned when a cadet reaches the age of 11 and or when a son enters t...
Continue ReadingThanks to all for coming out and marching in the Town of Flower Mound’s 4th of July Parade. TSG’s Troop# 31, based out of Flower Mound, Texas, helped lead the Parade, and then afterwards some of the senior cadets and their sisters helped...
Continue ReadingThe Men and Boys of Troop 1 were blessed with a day of service for our Catholic Church during the recent Blessed Sacrament Day VII held June 2nd – 5th at the Benedictine Monastery of Thien Tam in Kerens, Texas. The weekend was a success in growing...
Continue ReadingI was blessed with the opportunity to share my story with Dave Palmer on Guadalupe Radio Network’s Interview of the Week program. We spend some time on my journey and reversion to the Catholic Faith over the last four years that starts with joining ...
Continue ReadingWe would like to congratulate our 1st Dragon Slayers. We’ve been going since the beginning of the organization and this year has been a big year with several milestones, one of which is our 1st ranking ceremony. We started the day with Mass and a sp...
Continue ReadingSaturday January 16, 2016 saw cloudy weather and light rain sprinkles in Downtown Dallas. Even with the dreary weather an estimated seven thousand people came out to march for the rights of the un-born, the innumerable babies killed by abortions ...
Continue ReadingSeveral Popes have now called for the New Evangelization because of what Pope Saint John Paul II called “invasive secularism” in the Church. The Church is being changed by the world rather than changing it. As a result, the Church and the world are no...
Continue ReadingThe Troops of Saint George is an apostolate that follows the traditions of the Roman Catholic Church and is best described through the words of the TSG Mission Statement: “The Troops of Saint George apostolate aims to use the outdoors as our canvas ...
Continue ReadingOur cultural problems (same-sex unions, abortion, broken families, lack of priestly vocations, etc.) all come down to this: our culture lacks authentic Fatherhood (if you agree, keep reading). We need authentic Fatherhood in Holy Matrimony. We need authen...
Continue ReadingOn the Saturday following Saint George’s Feast Day, Troop 31 started their day with a pilgrimage to St. Peter Catholic Church in Lindsay, Texas, which was founded by German colonists (more information here: Aft...
Continue ReadingWith keeping the Troops of Saint George mission and the Holy Spirit as their guiding light, Troop 19 in Spring, Texas has incorporated a “Proverbial Minute” into each meeting and campout. As biblical scholars have noted, The Book of Proverbs is concer...
Continue ReadingWhat has been your Troop’s Favorite Weekend Activity? So far we’ve tried: compass orientation rock climbing hiking bass fishing trebuchet/catapult building cold weather survival What have been your troop’s most successful outings or camp t...
Continue ReadingDr. Marshall’s Favorite Dutch Oven Recipe Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large langu...
Continue ReadingWhat a blessing that the feast of Saint George (April 23) falls within Easter week of 2014. This is our first annual celebration of our movement’s patron saint. I’m often asked why I chose Saint George as the patron of the Troops of Saint Geor...
Continue ReadingDuring Holy Week we turn our minds to the life and death of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Although He is the Son of God with a divine right on all material things, He did not spend His days living in a modern home. He did not enjoy air conditioning, h...
Continue ReadingBaseball season has started. Last night I was at our first practice with my oldest son Gabe. Many of the dads were there, and we were enjoying the blue cloudy sky and the freshly cut grass in the infield. One of the fathers there began to ask about the Tr...
Continue ReadingSaint George Law The Saint George Law was written by Saint Peter, our first Pope: “Honor all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.” (1 Peter 2:17) Saint George Motto: Parati Semper The motto of the Troops of Saint George is R...
Continue ReadingIt’s 2014! The Troops of Saint George have come a long way. We were an idea on paper back in May of 2013. Now we have over one hundred troops in formation, plenty of hard-working Captains and Lieutenants, a Board of Directors, an Officer’s Man...
Continue ReadingLiturgical Matters During Camp Outs The priest, not the captain, is in charge of all things liturgical. That being said, here are the norms and customs for the Troops of Saint George when camping. If Holy Mass is celebrated at a camp out, we want the litu...
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