With keeping the Troops of Saint George mission and the Holy Spirit as their guiding light, Troop 19 in Spring, Texas has incorporated a “Proverbial Minute” into each meeting and campout. As biblical scholars have noted, The Book of Proverbs is concerned with the development of holy men through regulating the morals of men and leading them to wisdom and virtue. As Saint John Paul II wrote in Fides Et Ratio (Faith and Reason), though we may be knocked down along the way, “believers do not surrender”:
For the sacred author, the task of searching for the truth was not without the strain which comes once the limits of reason are reached. This is what we find, for example, when the Book of Proverbs notes the weariness which comes from the effort to understand the mysterious designs of God (cf. 30:1-6). Yet, for all the toil involved, believers do not surrender. They can continue on their way to the truth because they are certain that God has created them “explorers” (cf. Qoh 1:13), whose mission it is to leave no stone unturned, though the temptation to doubt is always there. Leaning on God, they continue to reach out, always and everywhere, for all that is beautiful, good and true.
Troop 19 is applying The Book of Proverbs lessons to teach and develop their men. Through the ease of choosing a chapter that corresponds with the date, the adult leaders pull a few verses, read through them and then open up a discussion with the youth and adult troop members. As King Solomon looked to God for wisdom to rule his kingdom well, as Holy Catholic men and boys, we must also look to God and his Holy Word for that same wisdom as we lead our family and friends towards heaven.