For Immediate Release
October 15, 2018 
Patrick Novecosky
(239) 682-7749

Troops of St. George Release Compelling New Video Series

New apostolate for priests, men, and boys is making strides in reclaiming authentic masculinity


KELLER, Texas — The Troops of Saint George (TSG) has launched a compelling new series of videos aimed at Catholic families—particularly fathers and sons—who want to develop a closer bond with each other and the Lord Jesus. Clergy, men, and boys are cultivating authentic masculinity together, using the outdoors as a canvas and the Sacraments as the path to light the way.

National Executive Director Dr. Jeremy Lustig said the new series of three videos captures the essence of the Troops of Saint George’s mission—to form holy Catholic men and boys through a life of adventure coupled with virtue.

“Sometimes the Troops of Saint George is compared to the Boys Scouts,” he said. “These videos show that we are something completely different. Our mission is about building saints for our day—forming young men and their fathers who will transform the culture for Christ.”

Brian Squibbs, National Director of Communications and Recruitment, said the world is hungry for truth, and the Troops of Saint George provides an opportunity for boys and young Catholic men to go deeper in their faith while experiencing the outdoors.

“The Troops of Saint George quickens our steps toward holiness by gathering men and their sons, and it uses the sacraments and outdoor adventure to get there,” he said. “We’re excited about what God’s doing and where he’s guiding this movement.”

Priests, fathers, and sons each reveal the impact of their adventures in the video series, found here:

Boy’s Perspective:
Father’s Perspective:

Learn more at Like Troops on Facebook or follow on Instagram and Twitter.

INTERVIEW OPPORTUNITIES with Troops of St. George leadership are available upon request. Contact Patrick Novecosky at (239) 682-7749 or
The Troops of Saint George (TSG) is a fraternal Catholic nonprofit apostolate for priests, men, and young men looking for a life of adventure coupled with virtue. Initially founded in 2013 by Catholic author and professor Dr. Taylor Marshall, the Keller, Texas-based apostolate has grown to over 1,300 members in 41 fully chartered troops.
Troops regularly experience reverent and beautiful Masses on mountaintop vistas; pray the Rosary with other men around fire pits in the freezing cold; catch a Fish Friday meal by fly fishing for trout; go to confession with priests while kneeling on moss in the woods; teach our sons archery, rock climbing, marksmanship, fishing, survival skills…and Catholic virtues; foster a love for the priesthood and a reverence for the sacrament of Matrimony; and support our local parishes, our priests, our bishops, and community by being available for works of mercy and service.

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TSG Needs Your Help!

TSG is growing and needs your help to advance our mission of raising strong, virtuous, Catholic men and boys. TSG cadets are the priests, deacons, husbands and fathers of tomorrow and we need your help to build the next generation of great Catholic men.

Will you go to battle with us to assist in the formation of holy Catholic men by making a tax-deductible contribution today?