(June 19, 2018) — When the news broke yesterday that Cardinal Raymond Burke had just endorsed the Troops of Saint George, most people who read the letter recognized the perfect timing. Even though the letter was dated May 25, it arrived on Father’s Day weekend.
Cardinal Burke, one of the world’s most recognized and admired prelates, lavished praise on the Troops for its mission to build relationships between boys and their fathers.
“In a particular way,” he continued, “the Troops of Saint George safeguard and foster the irreplaceable relationship between fathers and sons as a fundamental experience of the Fatherhood of God and of His special gifts to men for the good of the family and of all society. Boys and young men are thereby helped to know their vocation in life, whether God calls them to the married life, to the consecrated life or to the Holy Priesthood, and to embrace and follow it with pure and selfless love.”
Cardinal Burke, who serves as the patron of the Rome-based Sovereign Military Order of Malta, follows Fort Worth Bishop Michael F. Olson’s approval of the Troops as an official Catholic apostolate in the Diocese of Fort Worth.
“After a careful review of the program and its contents, including its mission statement, curriculum, pedagogical structure, letters of Ecclesiastical approval, and statement of mission that faithfully reflects and adheres to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, the Troops of Saint George is hereby approved as a Catholic Apostolate of the Diocese of Fort Worth,” the bishop wrote in a letter, dated May 16, 2018.
That sentiment is echoed by prominent author and blogger, Fr. Dwight Longenecker, who wrote that “in our day, when there is an acute crisis in masculinity, the Troops of St George develops boys into men through traditional values, deep rooted morality and a valiant Catholic faith.”
He’s joined in his praise of the Troops of Saint George by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J., host of EWTN Live.
“Boys and young men do well to join together for fellowship, to acquire a variety of skills useful in nature and urban life alike, as well as form an identity as they serve the Church, taking new roles of service appropriate to their age and abilities,” he said.
“The Troops of St. George are precisely the type of organization for Catholic youth that fits these needs,” he continued. “Though a new organization, it has both a terrific patron to intercede for them and some experienced men who can direct its successful accomplishment of its goals. I highly recommend the development of Troops of St. George in every parish.”
Cardinal Burke championed the Troops, saying they are exactly what’s needed in our day, and we couldn’t agree with him more!
“The Troops of Saint George, in an excellent way, assists Catholic boys and young men to develop a sound appreciation of nature, in accord with the Law with which God has created all things,” he said.