Saturday January 16, 2016 saw cloudy weather and light rain sprinkles in Downtown Dallas. Even with the dreary weather an estimated seven thousand people came out to march for the rights of the un-born, the innumerable babies killed by abortions since the Roe vs. Wade decision.
After Mass in the Dallas Convention Center, the marchers gathered outside and started the annual march towards the Crowley Courts Building in Downtown Dallas where the court decision was handed down in 1973. The Troops of Saint George were again in attendance for the annual March For Life. Troop 77 marched near the head of the column led by their Capt. Bill Rowe with 20+ troop members in attendance. Halfway back Troop 31 marched, led by Capt. O’Flaherty and 10 other members of the troop behind the banner of Troop 31 and many of the troops flags. Right behind Troop 31, members of Troop 5 marched along with their troop banner. There were also members of Troop 1 marching along with the large Mater Dei Church group.
All the TSG troop members marched under the banner of the Troops of Saint George, standing up for the helpless and practicing the honor call of St. George: Virtue, Honor and Fraternity.