By Alex Squibbs
With my dad always sharing his point of view on the Troops of Saint George as the National Director of Recruitment (one of those times below with me and my brothers alongside), he asked I take a look back over the last year and share my thoughts. I hope you enjoy the pictorial review of our fun year in Troop 5.
In August, we had a new member welcome party and start of our new year at Dove Park spray grounds. We barbequed and the kids played around in the refreshing water. We also earned our new patrol patches and certificates of completion for last year’s (2015-16) patrol requirements.
On September 13th, we had our first troop meeting of the 2016-17 year! We reviewed all the safety guidelines and rules. Over 90 boys and dads came! Wow! We had some relay race fun and tried out some new equipment our troop purchased.
On the weekend of September 23rd, we had our first campout of the year at the Austin Family Ranch (the troop’s favorite camping spot)! Over 60 Troop 5 boys and dads came. We also learned safety when in contact with a snake or poison ivy. We also learned how to make a shelter with trees, limbs and brush.
One of my favorite parts of the Troops of Saint George is that we get to experience God in the outdoors through Mass. Here we are getting ready for Mass at the campout.
Enjoying God’s beauty in nature is also a favorite of mine!.
On October 1st, we made a balloon rosary and prayed it with the American Heritage Girls and parishioners in honor of unborn babies. Here I am in with one of my brothers, Luke, and dad looking on.
After the we prayed the rosary we released balloon rosary high into the air.
On October 15th and 16th, we helped volunteer and regulate parking flow at the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Fall Fest.
Here I am in action directing traffic.
In between shifts, we got to have a little fun and ran into some friends, the Black family. I had a lot of fun at fall fest!
With the encouragement of my dad and Father Gary (and a Troops of Saint George Achievement Course), I started to serve Jesus and the parish through altar service.
At the end of October, we went to Colorado Bend State Park. Here I am with my brothers, Luke and Sean.
We are heading out for a long hike.
An amazing view from a lookout on our hike!
Here we are at Gorman Falls!
Time for a little fishing (we saw deer on our way to the fishing spot)!
On November 15th, we went rock climbing at Summit Gym. Nobody got hurt (that is good!). Some men got to the top of the hardest wall (I was one of them)!
Here I am at the top of a high rope ladder! This night really boosted my confidence.
November 20th was Christ the King Sunday and our parish had a Christ the King Procession. The Troop 5 got to setup an altar and I got to process with Jesus.
On November 29th, we had a meeting on how to tie knots and how to make a slingshot! Watch out Goliath!
Before our baby sister arrived, we took mom fishing to show her our skills from the Troops of Saint George. She is pretty good and caught the first fish!
Just in time to protect my new sister, 2nd Lieutenant Short was giving us a lesson on throwing a punch and wrestling.
And here I am with our beautiful Maria Gloria in January!
Back to the Troops of Saint George. In late February, we had a campout at the Black family farm. We had fun at what we called “Plong City”. We fished and made a critter trap.
We eat really good food on campouts (fish on Friday and fajitas on Saturday for this campout)!
Oh, and the critters were safe (next morning, nothing).
On the weekend of March 10th, the Saint George Dragon Slayers and Senior Patrol took a pilgrimage to Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma.
We stayed and prayed with the Benedictine monks for a whole weekend. We helped through service by gathering wood for the monks to heat their monastery building. There is the bell that sounds awesome! We also heard some stories from a traveling painter.
On March 21st, we were taught how to use a telescope and explore constellations!
At our campout the first weekend in April, two teams made trebuchets built from Ash trees the boys and dads cut down (I cut down a very useful piece). While we didn’t win the competition, we had a lot of fun!
On Good Friday, my family and some other Troop 5 families prayed the outdoor Stations of the Cross at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church.
We then joined Bishop Olsen for his annual Good Friday Rosary at Planned Parenthood.
On June 2nd, was the Troop’s first canoe trip in the rain. It was very fun!
On June 18th , Troop 5 setup one of the altars for the Corpus Christi procession. I helped serve at Mass and in the Procession.
On June 24th, we had our 4th annual Troop 5 Family Day at the Austin Family Ranch. It was raining, but we got a few families to come. Our new pastor, Father Gary, joined us too. We shot BB guns at coffee cans and ate (did I mention we eat good at Troop 5 events).
My dad and 1st Lieutenant Hightower asked me to take pictures of the day for the troop. Here are a couple!
1st Liutenant Hightower got one of me!
After our family rosary, we recievd our ceritifcates of completion and our patches for next year!
On July 4th, Troop 5 attended Mass in honor of our county and military veterans. We sang patriotic songs after Mass. Some retired veterans came, like my dad, a Marine. They each stood as we sang their branch anthem.
After all that, it is time to try and get new members to join by handing out snow cones after Mass. We were able to tell boys and their dads about the Troops of Saint George!
And that was a year in review with Alex Squibbs and Troop 5! While we missed a few events, you can see that we had plenty of fun. Thank you for your time and interest in the Troops of Saint George!