Liturgical Matters During Camp Outs
- The priest, not the captain, is in charge of all things liturgical. That being said, here are the norms and customs for the Troops of Saint George when camping.
- If Holy Mass is celebrated at a camp out, we want the liturgy to be reverent and beautiful. This is the true sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ. No sloppy kumbaya liturgies just because we’re outdoors and dirty.
- The altar boys should be attired in cassock and surplice or Class A uniforms, which means you’ll have to pack accordingly.
- Only true lectors should read the lessons in cassock and surplice or Class A uniforms.
- When Holy Mass is celebrated at a camp out, the altar must be arrayed with white linen, flowers from the region placed in two vases, and two or six candlesticks should be on the altar.
- Ideally, a Byzantine antimins or antimension (in which is sown the relics of a saint) could be used on a campout. The antimins functions as a substitute altar. If not an antimins, perhaps the priest or chaplain can bring a relic to signify our devotion to the saints and martyrs of Christ. Young men should have a special devotion to the saints, but especially to the martyrs.
- All liturgical appointments,vestments, and music should be of high quality. We owe God our best in the Holy Sacrifice, even when we are roughing it.
- Hearty, masculine singing of old hymns (“Faith of Our Fathers”) and Latin hymns must be part of our camping culture.
- If a priest hears confessions on a camp out, a place should be designated and set apart outside the camp where privacy and quiet can be preserved.
- Chaplains and priests should be given due honor and reverence in accord. Troops may want to raise funds to purchase a nice “chaplains tent” or other camping items (eg, a nice camp chair) to make priests feel welcome and comfortable.
Please free to offer more suggestions and comments. I want to hear your ideas.
Taylor Marshall
Taylor Marshall