Veteran’s Day 2016
Irving, Texas – Porter’s Army and Navy in Irving, Texas since 1946, hosted their yearly Veteran’s Day benefit on Saturday, November 12th. Steve Porter and his wife Cindy helped the veterans out by giving the public a chance to fill care boxes with donated items to send all over the world to US servicemen and women. There was musical acts on the stage in the morning and a big band playing favorites in the afternoon. Troop 1 Capt. Eric Gruchet, along with members from both Troops of Saint George Troop 1 and 31, presented a special award to Steve Porter for all of his effort and help over the past few years supporting the Troops of Saint George.
There were also many booths set up next to Porter’s representing the likes of Lowes, Home Depot, Irving Police, US Army, Troops of Saint George and many others. Troops of Saint George Troop 1 and Troop 31 manned a booth, helping the public to create mini care packages to be put in the larger care packages for the soldiers. People could come by and pack the little TSG PVC tube with sunflower seeds, toothbrush, toothpaste, gum, Instant Towel, Jolly Rogers, etc., as well as hand writing a thank you note to the soldiers to be included in the tube. Once the tube was capped on both ends they were ferried over and put in the larger care packages. Over 400 of these large care packages were created at this event on Saturday for the troops worldwide.
The cadets also prepped old flags for proper retirement later in the day at for the Flag Retirement Ceremony. Cadets from both Troop 1 and 31 led off the Flag Retirement Ceremony, marching in formation with 14 members of the ROTC of Irving, and stood at a attention while many US Veterans walked through their ranks to retire pieces of worn out US and Texas flags.
This event is a yearly event for Troop 1, and Troop 31 joined them for the first time this year, hoping to participate each year to help honor the US Veterans past and present.