Pig Butchering
Date : 2024-11-23Venue : Holy Family Old Cathedral, Rectory GarageA couple of the dads in our troop have asked if we could teach the youth how to butcher a moose. I can’t get a moose for the troop, however as I announced at the last meeting, I was able to obtain a live pig for the troop the butcher. The Kaughman, Sergeeve, and Syzdek families already butchered two pigs on Monday which was a good learning experience and practice. I still have one pig which needs to be transformed into chops, bacon, cutlets, roasts, and hams. So as a troop activity we will be butchering a pig at Holy Family Old Cathedral on Saturday November 23. You read that right, we will be butchering a pig at Holy Family. I plan to dispatch, bleed, and dehair the pig in the Mat-Su on Saturday morning and then run the carcass to Holy Family for the cadets to gut and process. I hope to be ready to start with a prayer and short safely briefing at 1:00pm and then move quickly into the processing of the pig.if you are interested in participating, please be at Holy Family parking lot around 12:30. The Dominicans have graciously allowed us to process the pig in the rectory garage. I highly recommend participants wear old clothes and come ready to get their hands dirty.Mr. Kinney will show the young men how to make homemade bacon using the belly from the pig we processed the following Monday at our troop meeting. We will then freeze the bacon and take it with us on our next camping trip.This is a free activity, no fees are required to attend. -
Annual Planning Meeting
Date : 2024-09-23Venue : Holy Family Old Cathedral, Parish HallWe will have a planning meeting instead of our normal meeting on Monday September 23. This meeting is intended for the parents only and Dominicans of our troop. Please bring your favorite beer to share while we discuss ideas for the upcoming year and form the troop structure under the Troops of St. George.During the meeting we hope to accomplish the following:* Form the troop committee* start the safe environment process for adults* Fill troop leadership positions (Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenants, Quartermaster, treasure, and Chaplain)* Confirm our troop schedule/calendar for the year.* Establish troop dues (both local and national)* Discuss how to merge our existing structure with the Troops of St George, specifically* participants ages 4-5* adult volunteers without participating children* how to arrange our junior patrols* Set uniform requirements for youth and adults* Define items to keep in stock locally (i.e. field manuals, uniforms, etc) -
2024 Fall Campout
Date : 2024-09-06Venue : Eklutna Lake CampgroundWe have reserved the group camp area at the Eklutna group campground from Friday August 30 until Sunday September 1. Families can start to arrive at 4:00pm on Friday. The suggested per person contribution to attend the campout is $35 per camper (a camper being either an attending father or son) with a cap of $140 per family. The contributions help cover the expense of the camp site, groceries, and other miscellaneous supplies. Please RSVP no later than September 4 with the number of campers who will be attending so we can bring enough supplies for everyone. Meals for Friday supper through Sunday breakfast will be provided. Campers are encouraged to bring personal snacks for between meals.