September Troops Meeting
Date : 2020-09-12Venue : Meet at O'Keefe Residence - Lake George, Oak Grove, MNMEETING FORMAT:30-40 Minutes
Opening Flag CeremonyOpening PrayerUpdates from the CaptainSmall-Group (Cadet Groups) Meetings
– Discuss Group Virtue (Humility), led by the Patrol leader: (Promoting Spiritual and human formation amongst peers, fraternity and accountability)– Introduce and discuss cadet requirements: (Promoting human development and skills)– Discuss this month’s at-home project: (Promoting a father/son fishing outing or time at home learning about fishing)– Discuss this month’s virtue on humility and how Fathers and sons may work on this virtue at home and report back to the group in October about their progress and experiences.50-60 MinutesLarge-Group Meeting (Fishing Activity)– Introduce and perform the scheduled activity with cadets at Lake GeorgeClosing – One Thing you learned – Worksheet for binderClosing PrayerREMINDER:Out of Class Father and Son Project: (Promoting the bond between father and son, formation and/or skill development)After each onsite meeting, each father is expected to fulfill a project/activity in relation to the activity done for that given month with their son(s) at home or partner with other troop families and bring back to share with their small cadet groups for the following meeting. Many of the activities chosen will be directly related to cadet achievements. This way, junior and senior cadets, along with their fathers, can become acquainted with the types of achievements that will be required later on in a cadet’s growth through the ranks. Many projects according to the topic/activity can be chosen from the officers’ manual).Small Group Leaders:The content for the small group discussions will be emailed to you and supplied at the meetings to facilitate the discussions.If you have any questions, please contact me. Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you on September 12!If you have any questions, please contact me by email or phone.God bless and St. George, pray for us!