Troop 1941 is located in Jacksonville, NC. We are blessed to be sponsored and partnered with the Infant of Prague Parish. With a mix of local and military families, we are grateful to serve one another and provide fellowship to the young men of our faith. Please join us and celebrate our Catholic faith and brotherhood. If you are a father with children between 6 and 18 come see what we are about.
TSG fosters an environment for men and boys to grow in Virtue while staying true to the teachings of the magisterium of the Catholic Church.
- TSG is a father/guardian and son apostolate following the teachings of the
Catholic Church through outdoor adventure.
- Teach your son, or learn with him outdoorsmanship, and survival skills.
- Tent camping trips and outdoor weekend activities throughout the year.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated outdoors.
- Pray the Rosary with your brothers in Christ around the campfire.
- TSG fosters a love for the Priesthood and a reverence for the sacrament of Matrimony.