A group of men at Saint Stanislaus in Milwaukee, Wisconsin were all concerned about the development of their sons, especially in light of the recent cultural decays permeating many youth-based organizations. With very few choices available, they pursued alternative options and held their own outings and events, until they realized they needed more. After a great deal of discussion, they agreed to charter with the Troops of Saint George and founded Troop 1683, Holy Name of Mary.

Now considered one of the largest and most active troops across the nation, Troop 1683 is home to over 100 troop members, with a goal to grow continuously as our message spreads across the Milwaukee-area. While we call Saint Stanislaus in Milwaukee “home,” over half our members are parishioners at surrounding parishes.

The mission of Troop 1683 is to develop young Milwaukee-area boys into heroic Catholic gentlemen ready for spiritual combat using the outdoors, Blessed Sacraments, and Holy Name of Mary. Blessed be The Holy Name of Mary!

Learn more about us on our website: Milwaukee catholic scouting alternative

Or visit us on our Facebook page: Holy Name of Mary – Troop 1683



Troop 1683 – Holy Name of Mary

Milwaukee WISCONSIN 53204
Captain Name:
Anthony Stich

TSG Needs Your Help!

TSG is growing and needs your help to advance our mission of raising strong, virtuous, Catholic men and boys. TSG cadets are the priests, deacons, husbands and fathers of tomorrow and we need your help to build the next generation of great Catholic men.

Will you go to battle with us to assist in the formation of holy Catholic men by making a tax-deductible contribution today?