(November 17th, 2024) By Morgan Crace
In October of this year Saint George Troop 311 has focused their lessons and activities to focus on patriotism theme. To get started, the Troop was assigned to construct a bin for US Flags to be retired. For this each of the Cadets and their Fathers helped with assembling the bin. The pieces were pre-cut to size. During the meeting the Cadets learned how to construct the bin with screws, drills, and screwdrivers. They were also taught about planning their work.
The Cadets initially connected the four 3-ft tall pieces with screws. The Troop was broken up into two different crews with each one to connect two pieces together. Here the Cadets were taught how to position and set the screws then having to use an electric drill and screw driver to properly set the screws. The Troop came back together to put all of the pieces together and to install the base and lid. By the end of the meeting, the Troop had successfully put together a bin to help collect US Flags for retirement. This bin will remain in Holy Ghost Parish’s basement with Saint George Troop 311 taking responsibility for maintaining the bin.
Holy Ghost Parish celebrated Veteran’s Day early on Saturday, November 9th. Following the 8am daily mass, everyone gathered at Knoxville National Cemetery, located 2 blocks south of Holy Ghost Parish. The Knoxville National Cemetery is the oldest military cemetery in Knoxville, TN and dates back to the Civil War battle in Knoxville, TN (this was part of the Battle of Chattanooga). This cemetery is the resting place for many soldiers from the Civil War up through today.
The Legion of Mary led the group in the recitation of a Patriotic Rosary. During this Rosary the various intentions are directed to the various military and political leaders. Following the Patriotic Rosary, Saint George Troop 311 led the retirement for the US flags. Many of the flags were donated from multiple local groups such as Saint Joseph School, American Legion Post 2, and other individuals. During the flag retirement Mr. Crace, TSG 311 Troop Captain, led a lesson on the history of the US flag and its’ symbolism. Afterwards, the retiring of US flags commenced. Each of the Cadets and their Fathers, along with the participants, were invited to retire a US Flag.
This was the third year the Troop has led a flag retirement ceremony, and we look forward to continuing with this tradition in the years to come.