(October 22nd, 2021) by Captain Tim O’Flaherty
October found some members of The Troops of Saint George on the pilgrimage road up in Oklahoma, USA. The third annual Three Hearts Pilgrimage, which is 35 miles long, takes place up near Muskogee, Oklahoma, and ends at the Benedictine Monastery of Clear Creek Abbey. Patterned after the Christian pilgrimages of old it is like a smaller version of the the Chartres Pilgrimage in France. The Benedictine Abbey in Oklahoma is home to over 65+ monks, consisting of over 30+ brothers and 25+ priests, and is situated in the hills of Lost City, just outside of Muskogee, Oklahoma. This year the pilgrimage consisted of over thirteen chapters from all over the United States. Three chapters were from the Dallas Ft. Worth area; Troops of Saint George – Our Lady of Lebanon, University of Dallas, and Mater Dei from Irving, TX. The TSG – Our Lady of Lebanon chapter had TSG troops from Troop 31 Flower Mound / Lewisville Area, Troop 77 from Plano and Troop 1171 down in Waco. Troop 1 had several marching with the Mater Dei chapter. Overall there were 900 pilgrims walking the route on their way to Clear Creek Abbey.
Troops of Saint George – Our Lady of Lebanon chapter was right in the middle of the 13 chapters each day, marching along with our 23 pilgrims consisting of dads, sons and daughters. The troops were well represented with several captains, current and past, lieutenants, and a couple of senior Tribune Cadets. Some cadets were as young as 7 years old and all helped to carry the Banner of Our Lady of Lebanon, US Flag and the TSG Troop 31 Flag. The pilgrimage trail consisted of 36 miles over all, with 26 miles the first day and then 10 the second day. The pilgrims traveled up and down many hills and over two lane gravel back roads, cart tracks, and once across a busy highway. After two days of marching all the pilgrims filed in and filled up the nearly completed old monastery church that the abbey is in the process of building. After a pontifical High Mass was celebrated by His Excellency Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska and assisted by the abbey monks ended the pilgrimage, a BBQ lunch was provided for all before the pilgrims headed home.