After 9 a.m. Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Keller, Texas, we were blessed with a collection of American songs and hymns to celebrate Independence Day. As we completed the Marine Corp Hymn (and I fought back the urge to yell HOORAH), I was reminded of some of the roots to the Holy Spirit inspired 1, 2, 3, 4 in our family’s morning routine.
As many of you may be aware from past blog posts or interviews, I have been blessed with a journey of reversion to the faith of my roots in the Catholic Church these past several years. My ears started to open to the Holy Spirit’s call with the miracle and joy of each new child, led me to the Troops of Saint George founded by a convert to the faith, kept my journey alive in starting to attend Guns and Rosaries (a men’s Rosary group), and added gasoline to the flames in starting the Intentional Encounter 40 Day Challenge that lead me right into Exodus 90, which has turned into a lifetime journey towards Christ!
All this to say, our household morning routine was due for some tweaks, and with the noise Satan so desires to be cranked up finally being filtered at an all-time high, the Holy Spirit inspired the 1, 2, 3, 4. As you read this simple morning routine that many of you may see similarities to your household routine, you will see inspiration from Father Larry Richards (how many have heard him preach to start and end your day in prayer?), Admiral William H. McRaven’s speech and the Corp.
You see, it is as simple as…
- Prayer: roll your tired behind out of bed to your knees and talk to God (looking in the mirror here)! It started with guidance on prayers for the boys (and soon enough daughter) to say, but now I just encourage them to thank God for all they have and ask for his guidance throughout the day.
- Make Your Bed: As you listen to Admiral McRaven’s speech, this will become more clear beyond obvious reasons and “never ring the bell”.
- Exercise: Thanks to my brothers Mike and Ron and through Intentional Encounter, I have returned to some heavy PT 5 days a week (Wednesdays and Sundays are active rest days). In that, the boys have joined with their very own “Chipper”, in varying reps by age (currently, the boys are 11, 8 and 7) of push-ups, sit-ups, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, burpees, dumbbell curls and air squats.
- Police the Perimeter: the boys pickup their room and then walk the house to pickup any items that may have been left out overnight.
This has been key plan in opening up our mind, body and soul each morning to take on the day and enjoy in the many blessings Christ has bestowed upon our family, even if a trial here and there. Please sound off in the comments on any morning routine “best practices” from your household!
From our family to yours, we pray you have a blessed day celebrating our country’s independence delivered and maintained by so many men and women in and through Christ!