(OCTOBER 2, 2018) — You’ve heard the old adage, “Winning isn’t everything.” Our highly permissive culture fully embraces that idea. At school track meets, everyone gets a ribbon. Everyone’s a winner. No one is “the best” because that would...
Continue Reading(AUGUST 28, 2018) — There was a time not long ago when men were expected to be the provider, protector and leader of their household—and of their culture, society, and nation. In our day, however, such “outdated thinking” is sometimes branded as ...
Continue Reading(JUNE 26, 2018) — Men need tough role models—other men who are bold, fearless and champions of the good. We need these types of mentors because, left to our own devices, we become complacent, lazy and stagnant—whether we’re a young man, middle age...
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