What a blessing that the feast of Saint George (April 23) falls within Easter week of 2014. This is our first annual celebration of our movement’s patron saint.
I’m often asked why I chose Saint George as the patron of the Troops of Saint George. Saint George is our patron for three reasons:
1. Saint George was a martyr. He demonstrated his love for Jesus Christ with great fortitude. He conformed his own life and death to that of his Master and Lord.
2. Saint George was a virgin. All the traditions surrounding George affirm his love for holy purity. He is a chaste model for young men and older men. He is also a great intercessor for those in the struggle.
3. Saint George was a living icon of struggle against evil. Saint George is always depicted upon a white horse slaying a terrible dragon. The white horse signifies his purity. The dragon is an image of the Devil (Rev. 12:9). His rescue of the maiden is also a Christological echo of the Divine Bridegroom’s love for the Church as Bride. The icon of George is a reminder that we are called to fight the evils of our time.
These three features make Saint George the perfect patron for men who live in an age where masculinity is characterized as something dangerous or even evil. Men nowadays are expected to become either testosterone-crazed cavemen or effeminate “nice guys.”
Neither is a solution to the angst that every man feels as he seeks to become a hero and champion for those he loves. True men will be formed in the virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. But even more, we need faith, hope, and charity.
This is why the Troops of Saint George exist. To “campout with Christ” instills virtue but also provides us with those Catholic distinctives that we need along the path to sanctity: confession, Holy Mass, and fraternal encouragement.
May Saint George pray for us as we seek to hike in the footsteps of Christ with our sons, grandsons, and nephews.
Call to Action: We currently have many projects underway to develop a handbook and uniforms for the Troops of Saint George. Would you please consider supporting us with a donation? The Troops of Saint George is a 501c3 applied non-profit organization without staff. 100% of your donation will go the projects at hand.
You can make a tax deductible donation to TSG by clicking here.