Taylor Marshall
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The response to the Troops of Saint George is huge.
What does it mean?
I’m trying to put my finger on it. Perhaps it is seen as something that will add value to your life and the life of your children.
We live in an era when the family is under attack. More specifically, manhood is under attack.
We need to discover a way for boys to become men. Video games do not accomplish this. Rather video games make boys more domestic.
What woman says to her girlfriends, “I want to marry a man who is a home body?” Yet, we continue to stuff our sons with domestic, indoor activities.
Think about JRR Tolkiens Lord of the Ring saga. It begins with the Hobbit. Bilbo struggles: “Should I stay at home in my warm hobbit hole or should go out into the dangerous world of dragons?”
Our young men are in arrested development. They are becoming cowardly pre-adventure Bilbos. A troop of Dwarves are knocking on the door with talk of gold and dragon-slaying. But the contemporary boy wants to stay inside his hobbit hole.
The Troops of Saint George is a challenge for our day. Boys need to be outside sweating, skinning their knees, building forts, and yes even fist-fighting from time to time. I’ll catch a lot of flack for that last one, but oh well.
The Troops of Saint George is just as much about men as it is about boys. If a man hasn’t sat around a fire with other men in over a year, something is wrong.
Just ask yourself, do you want a husband or a priest who is an outdoorsman or an indoorsman?
My guess is that the Troops of Saint George is going to produce hundreds of godly priests and thousands of godly husbands.